RAKUB earns Tk 40.38cr profit


Rajshahi Correspondent :
Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (RAKUB) has attained an ever highest profit of Tk 40.38 crore during the recently concluded 2017-18 financial year, up by Tk 27 crore than that of the previous fiscal.
RAKUB Managing Director Kazi Alamgir said the state-owned specialized bank had made an operating profit of Tk 13.29 crore during the last 2016-17 fiscal.
At the initial stage of the fiscal, the bank management had formulated a work plan and given direction to the field level workforce for its proper implementation in order to transform the financial institution into a profit-earning and self-reliant one.
Under the work plan, target has been set to disburse loan to the tune of Tk 1900 crore and recovery Tk 1800 crore through 380 branches.
