Rajuk MLSS a millionaire!

UNB, Dhaka :
Despite doing a lower-class job in Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (Rajuk), a member of lower subordinate staff (MLSS) of the capital development authority has become a millionaire by accumulating wealth illegally.
According to a probe of the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC), Rajuk LMSS Md Mobarak Hossain and his wife Shahina Pervin Shahin have got wealth worth Tk 2.54 crore, but they could not show the sources of their income of Tk 1.39 crore. Taking into account their illegal income, the
national anti-graft agency sent two notices asking them to submit their wealth reports to the Commission within a given time, ACC public relations officer Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya told UNB.
ACC Deputy Director Malay Kumar Saha and deputy assistant director Manjur Ahmad sent notices to them.
There are allegations that Mobarak Hossain accumulated the illegal wealth taking bribes from Rajuk clients by giving illegal advantages to them.