Rajshahi students protest over NU exams suspension


Students from different colleges under National University (NU) on Sunday formed a human chain at Shaheb Bazar Zero Point in the city protesting the suspension of all exams under the NU.
The students also squatted on the streets with pen and papers in symbolic appearance in the examinations. They demanded that necessary steps are taken so that they can sit for their pending examinations maintaining health guidelines. Abdur Rahim, one of the protesters, said “We have three or two examinations remaining and we want to complete the tests maintaining health guidelines.
We are getting stuck due to postponement of the examinations and many of us can’t enter job for failing to get any certificate.” On January 21, all examinations of National University were suspended indefinitely in view of the surging Covid-19 pandemic. This was announced in a press release issued by the university authority on Friday. The schedule of these exams will be informed when the situation gets normal, said the release.
