Rajshahi markets flooded with illegal foreign cigarettes


BSS, Rajshahi :
Local markets are now flooded with various illegal foreign cigarettes posing a serious threat to the public health.
Selling and consumption of the unauthorized cigarettes have been enhanced manifold in the border belt city promptly creating a grave concern among the conscious circle relating to the massive drug addiction.
The brands namely black, black more, prine-prime, Esse, Esse- Lirths, Esseex, mode, Mood, Oris and Strawberry are being sold randomly in the markets.
In addition frequent display of various advertisements for the illegal products in all the outlets and selling points are taking place to attract the consumers especially the young generation.
The existing tobacco control law has totally banned selling, distribution and marketing of tobacco and its products to the under 18 children. But the school and college-going children are the main purchasers of the branded cigarettes. Both packets and sticks of those are attractive and lucrative in colour and flavour.
These foreign products contribute a lot to creating new smokers and encouraging the women towards smoking. Cigarette consumption is widely blamed as entrance of drug addiction.
Sekendar Ali, general secretary of Shaheb Bazar Traders Association, told BSS that the cigarettes are mainly coming from Korea, China and Indonesia through different illegal sea routes. Interestingly, there was no name of producing country on the packets.
Some of the brands have strawberry and grape flavour, by which, the consumers are being cheated frequently. The growing age children are becoming habituated to smoking as a result of the malpractices.
Many of the shop owners sell cigarettes with grocery and other essential food items simultaneously without any hesitation but the practice is detrimental to the public health, said Dr Mahbubur Rahman Khan, Associate Professor of Medicine of Rajshahi Medical College and Hospital.
Abu Bakker Ali, president of Rajshahi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said the business of illegal cigarettes is escalating gradually due to lack of law enforcement as the traders are more interested to sell the unauthorized cigarettes for more profit.
He expressed grave concern over gross violation of tobacco control law in the region and urged the authorities concerned to take punitive measures to resist the violation.
Bakker Ali said tobacco products advertisements through packet display at all selling points and unabated marketing of foreign branded illegal cigarettes are taking place everywhere violating the law.
He also mentioned that selling of tobacco products especially cigarettes to the schoolchildren and smoking in public places and transports are taking place haphazardly.
The chamber leader said the tobacco control law was enacted in May, 2013, but its enforcement hasn’t become visible as yet. For this reason, violation of the law is taking place randomly.
Sarder Tamiz Uddin, additional commissioner of Rajshahi Metropolitan Police, put high emphasis on more investigative media reports on hazardous impacts of smoking in public places and using tobacco products.
“Cigarette consumption must he restricted to a greater extent for the sake of building a drug addiction-free society,” he said.
