Rain increased suffering of cold wave disrupted poorer


Staff Reporter:Drizzling increased suffering of poorer people disrupted with cold wave in different parts of the country.
People from lower income group, children and elderly people are suffering most.
Many of the elderly people and children have fallen sick infected by cold related diseases.
According to Met office, light rain or drizzle is likely to occur at a few places over Chattogram, Sylhet, Khulna, Barisal, Dhaka, Mymensingh and Rajshahi divisions.
The highest rainfall was recorded at 14mm in Jashore while it was at 5mm in Dhaka, according to the met offices.
The met office said also the rain is expected in different parts of the country in the afternoon and night. It said the rain might stop after midnight.
Thick fog blankets most parts of the country as cold wave is sweeping for days.
Northern region’s people have been suffering immensely as a cold wave is prevailing for the last few days.
As the drizzling has taken place the temperature across the country might fall further later in the day.
The lowest temperature was recorded at 9.2 degrees Celsius in Tetulia upazila of Panchagarh on Friday.
Though the temperature has risen from Thursday’s 5.7 degrees Celsius recorded at the same place, the drizzle along with the mild to moderate cold wave added sufferings to the people.
