Railway Minister blames BNP-Jamaat for attack on Ahmadiyya

UNB, Panchagarh :
Railways Minister Nurul Islam Sujon on Friday blamed the BNP and its ally Jamaat-e-Islami for Tuesday’s attack on the Ahmadiyya community at Ahmadnagar.
“The BNP-Jamaat, who had unleashed a violent arson campaign in 2014, could not accept the Awami League’s overwhelming victory in the last election. That’s why they’re trying to put the government in a tight spot through such incidents (attack on Ahmadiyya),” he said while visiting the affected area.
Houses and businesses of the Ahmadiyya community members were vandalised and set afire on Tuesday night. Around 50 people, including 20 policemen, were injured in the attack on Jalsa Salana, the annual gathering of the Ahmadiyya.
“The BNP-Jamaat alliance cut down thousands of trees, torched vehicles, and attacked innocent pedestrians in the pretext of shutdowns and blockades. The Ahmadnagar incident is a manifestation of the past [attacks by BNP-Jamaat clique],” Minister Sujon claimed.
He asked the law enforcement agencies to remain alert to avoid further untoward incidents and ordered them to hunt down the culprits. The minister also promised to foot medical bills of the injured and provide damages.
Imam of Ahmadnagar Jame Mosque’s Abdul Motin said they were receiving threats and were suffering from insecurity after the attack.
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat President Jugol said they had been living in peace and harmony for the last 70 years and had never been victims of such attack. “It was a well-planned attack,” he said.