Rafiqul Hoque, Vice-President (Customer Lifecycle Management & International Business) of Robi and Ahmed Raquib, DGM (Branding) of Sarah Resort and Fortis Sports Ground, exchanging an agreement signing document at Robi’s Corporate Office in the city recently. Under the deal, Robi’s customers will be able to enjoy 25 percent discount during Saturday to Thursday, 15 percent discount on room rent on Fridays and 10 percent discount on A La Carte menu for all Dhonnobad customers from the resort and 10 percent discount on ground rent for all Dhonnobad customers from Fortis Sports Ground. Top officials from both the organizations were also present.

Rafiqul Hoque, Vice-President (Customer Lifecycle Management & International Business) of Robi and Ahmed Raquib, DGM (Branding) of Sarah Resort and Fortis Sports Ground, exchanging an agreement signing document at Robi's Corporate Office in the city rece
Rafiqul Hoque, Vice-President (Customer Lifecycle Management & International Business) of Robi and Ahmed Raquib, DGM (Branding) of Sarah Resort and Fortis Sports Ground, exchanging an agreement signing document at Robi's Corporate Office in the city rece

