RAB’s founding anniv today


Thursday is the 16th founding anniversary of the anticrime elite force Rapid Action Battalion (RAB).
President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate messages greeting the members of the RAB on the occasion.
The President, in his message, lauded the professional efficiency, expertise and devotion of the RAB members in
improving the law and order situation and ensuring the security and safety of the people. The force, in the meantime, occupied a firm position among the people as a symbol of confidence and dependence in maintaining the law and order across the country, Abdul Hamid observed.
“I am recalling the contribution of RAB members, who embraced martyrdom in maintaining the law and order situation of the country, with profound respect,” the President mentioned.
RAB members have attained an outstanding success and fame by their contributions to conducting countrywide drive against terrorists and notorious criminals, nabbing militants, rooting out extremists, recovering illegal arms and explosives, and carrying out steps to prevent social and moral degradations like corruption, he added.
President Hamid said the RAB members have been playing a very significant role by ensuring necessary security of lives and livelihoods in coastal belts, conducting drives against the pirates in the Sundarbans areas and preserving biodiversity there as well.
Noting that the RAB members should be skilled in using the modern technology to combat the crimes, the head of the state said the force members must uphold the existing laws and rules of the country as well as the Constitution in line with the people’s fundamental rights and democracy.
The President also asked the RAB members to serve the citizens by working with honesty, devotion, efficiency and professionalism.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, in her message, praised the RAB members for their leading role against corruption, terrorism, religious extremism, illegal drug trade, use of firearms and its trading, violence against women, and children, health-hazardous adulterated food items, leakage of question papers and other anti-social crimes in the country.
“Since its inception, the RAB has been playing a very important role in maintaining the law and order, and ensuring public security and sustainable development with patriotism, responsibility, professionalism, honesty and dedication”, she said.
