RAB updates 70 missing list


Staff Reporter :The Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has updated its list of missing persons across the country amid concerns that some of those missing might have joined Islamist radical groups.There were 70 names in the list published by RAB on its Facebook page at midnight on Monday.Photos of 58 have been provided.Authorities have released two separate lists after finding out that the terrorists who attacked Gulshan restaurant and Sholakia disappeared first from home. The first list named 10 persons and the second one added seven more. Then RAB prepared a hefty list of 261 missing persons on July 20. But many of them were traced after media inquiries.Some were doing jobs, some were at homes and one was found in jail.The RAB on July 5 updated the list and reduced it to 68 persons. The current list stands at 70 after three names were omitted and five more added.Jaubair Hossain Faruk, 21, from Barisal, now in Malaysia, and Kotwali’s Md Iqbal Hossain, 20, are not in the new list.The missing men are from 15 to 40 years.  If anyone has information about the people on the list or any person missing but not included in the list have been requested to call 01777720075.
