RAB to investigate Regent Shahed’s cases


Staff Reporter :
The elite force Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has been given the charge of carrying investigation into the cases filed against Regent Group & Hospital Chairman Shahed Karim alias Mohammad Shahed who was arrested on charge of corona test deception recently.
Dhaka Metropolitan Detective Police initially started investigation into the cases.A delegation of RAB had a meeting at the Home Ministry on Tuesday to discuss about the investigation of the cases.
As Rab showed the interests to investigate the cases against Shahed, the meeting finally gave the charge to the elite force.
Earlier, RAB revealed that at least 140 allegations had been received against private-run Regent Hospital and Regent Group Chairman Mohammad Shahed in the hotline and email id of the elite force. It revealed that Mohammad Shahed earned illegal money around Taka 10 crore making forgery with different individuals and institutions,” RAB Legal and Media Wing Director Lt Col Ahsik Billah told it at a press conference in its headquarters last Sunday afternoon. Besides, he said, Shahed allegedly did not pay salaries to his institutions’ officers and employees who contacted with RAB for getting legal aid to realise their dues.
“About 120 allegations have been filed against Shahed over hotline and 20 in email to the RAB,” Billah said adding that Shahed used to introduce himself as an important person of the society falsifying his identity and thus he has been an ‘idol of forgery’. Meanwhile, detectives conducted a drive at Uttara along with Shahed on Saturday midnight.
During the drive, the Detective Branch (DB) Dhaka Metropolitan Police recovered a personal vehicle of the fraudster, a firearm and bullets.
Two cases were filed in this connection.
Earlier, Shahed was arrested from a boat at Lobangapati near Sakor Bazar of Debhata border in Satkhira district in the early hours of July 15 while trying to flee to India. An illegal firearm was also recovered from him. He was put on a 10-day remand the following day in a case filed over the issuance of fake coronavirus certificates from Regent Hospital. However, Rapid Action Battalion members conducted separate drives at the Uttara and Mirpur branches of Regent Hospital on July 6 and arrested eight people on charge of issuing fake coronavirus test reports in addition to charging the admitted Covid-19 patients exorbitant fees.
The head office of Regent Group along with the both hospitals were sealed off and 16 people, including the chairman, were sued on charge of issuing fake coronavirus test reports.
