RAB requests all not to give political program during Modi’s visit


Staff Reporter :
The Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has requested all not to hold any political program on 26 and 27 March, as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Bangladesh.
In response to a question from the reporters, RAB Legal and Media Wing Director Lt. Colonel Ashiq Billah made this request in a press briefing held at the RAB headquarters in Kurmitola of the capital on Thursday afternoon.
He said that many important persons from different countries of the world are visiting Bangladesh on the occasion of Bangabandhu’s Birth Centenary and Golden Jubilee of the independence.
The RAB is performing its duties with utmost sincerity as per the law and resolutions.
In this regard, RAB is conducting three types of activities at the places where the guests will be (inside and outside Dhaka).
Regarding the role of RAB in the anti-Modi protests, he said those who are conducting such rallies will be requested to refrain from such protest in the interest of the country in order to protect the image of the country as a whole.
Besides, the police as well as RAB are also deployed everywhere to maintain the law and order.
No sabotage or chaos is expected on the occasion of the arrival of the international guests.
On the occasion of Bangabandhu’s birth centenary and golden jubilee of the independence, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Bangladesh on March 26-27.
