RAB raid Seniors’ Club, wine seized


Chittagong Bureau :

RAB-7 forces conducted raid in the century old traditional and posh private club – Chittagong Senior’s Club on Monday night.
The raid enforced at 4 pm which continued upto 8 pm and recovered huge quantities of foreign wine without any proper documents.
Acting on information about the storing of contraband foreign wine, RAB forces conducted raid.
RAB Chittagong zonal Commander Lt. Col.Miftahuddin told the media that they have seized huge quantities of foreign wine beyond their permission.
These unauthorized wines procured from the drug smugglers by the club authority aimed at selling these with high prices. Manager of the club Shafiul Azam was detained by RAB . Related sources said there are 3 secret store rooms and these contraband wines were stored in these secret stores and the authorized bottles of wines were displayed in the Bar show case. The seniors club situated at Jamal khan road infornt of Chittagong Press club. Mentionable that this posh club was established in 1927 and the members of the club are almost Ministers, MPs, politicians, physicians and engineers and elite businessmen, sources said.
