RAB opens hotline for taking complaints against Shahed


Staff Reporter :
Regent Hospital chairman Shahed Karim alias Mohammad Shahed made huge money through hospital business and abusing his relations with influential people and fraudulence practices.
Law enforcers said Shahed used to identify himself at different places as a bureaucrat, military official, political leader, and a close associate of ministers and leaders to gain his personal interests.
He also used to use his photographs with influential people to demonstrate his power.
As Shahed deceived many people in various ways, Rab has opened a special service to find out all his deceptive acts.
A special mobile number has been dedicated for the victims to make complaints about Shahed’s fraudulent acts.
The victims can call +8801777720211 to in inform about how they were deceived and avail of necessary legal aids.
Elite force Rab’s legal and media wing director Lt Col Ashiq Billah has described Shahed Karim, the fugitive owner of Regent Hospital, as an idol in the world of cheating.
At a press briefing on Tuesday, he said Shahed had a unique style of deception.
He said they were receiving many new allegations against Shahed Karim.
RAB Executive Magistrate Sarwar Alam said they launched an operation to bring the issue of fake corona tests to the forefront, but with the passage of time they are getting information about his involvement in many heinous crimes. “He cheated with whom he had business.”
