RAB monitors 50 websites in crackdown on virus rumours


bdnews24.com :
The Rapid Action Battalion is monitoring more than 50 websites as it has renewed its crackdown on the spreaders of rumours about the coronavirus on social media.
Sometimes, people like or share the posts on social media without checking the authenticity and fall under the purview of law, RAB’s Director General Chowdhury Abdullah Al-Mamun said in an online news briefing on Saturday.
Chowdhury urged everyone not to share or like a social media post that spreads rumours. RAB has taken 11 people into custody as of now for similar reasons.
The elite force is working to prevent the price gouging during Ramzan, Chowdhury said adding that traders should shun the culture of Ramadan price rigging.
RAB teams are working to ensure safety to everyone during Ramzan, he said. It has distributed relief goods among 12,000 families during the coronavirus crisis and helped dairy farmers in Sirajganj by buying 35,000 litres of milk.
Chowdhury urged the rich to come forward and help the farmers and traders.
RAB is creating awareness among the ordinary people during the coronavirus crisis and continuing its regular work to curb the crimes, he said. It has arrested 1,382 criminals, including 32 suspected militants, since the virus outbreak.
The law enforcement agency has been running mobile courts across the country to ensure safe social distancing, said Chowdhury. The 358 mobile courts have already fined more than 2,000 persons with Tk 35 million, he said.
Also, legal action was taken against 18 companies for supplying fake hand sanitisers, masks and other medical gear, Chowdhury said adding nine people were punished and fined Tk 6.2 million.
RAB took action against five companies for the price gouging of daily essentials, such as onion and rice, during the lockdown. Some of them were jailed, while the fines imposed on them amounted to Tk 13.2 million.
RAB recovered looted government relief and brought the perpetrators to justice, he said.
People avoid the key thoroughfares fearing the RAB patrol teams during the lockdown while they gather in the alleys. Reporters asked Chowdhury about the RAB’s role in preventing it.
“We’re looking into the issue and will work to implement the lockdown properly,” he said.
