RAB is everywhere even at universities

AUTHORITIES of Dhaka University and law enforcers have detained 36 people for their alleged involvement in using means of plagiarism in admission tests of the university. The DU authorities detained 17 admission seekers during the admission tests of Gha unit on Friday. The students were detained from different admission test centres, DU Acting Proctor Amzad Ali confirmed a press report.
Meanwhile, Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) arrested 19 people, including seven admission seekers of Dhaka University from different parts of Dhaka on Thursday night and yesterday. Of the arrestees, 12 were members of a gang which was involved in providing answers to questions through mobile phone text messages to admission aspirants in exchange of money, Maj Md Rumman, Deputy Director (Legal Wing) at RAB headquarters is said to have quoted, as per the media report.
It is unfortunate that our country is known internationally for all sorts of unsavoury activities – we make it to the top lists in almost all undesirable activities — substandard living conditions of our cities, corruption, political violence, etc. To this we have to add yet another mentionable which is fast becoming a cottage industry — cheating in exams of national importance like university admission tests.
We seem to be following a fast track culture and a mindset which is to get somewhere at no cost – in this case, admission into the premier university of the country by cheating. What is more alarming is how the cheaters were able to help the candidates to cheat through mobile texts – was it due to substandard invigilation procedures or were they able to directly get answers from some stage of the question paper production process? Whatever the answer the matter must be looked into thoroughly. DU authority should show their accountability.
As a nation we must learn that there are no short cuts to education – or indeed to anything else in life. We need only to look to a neighbouring country which has recently joined a super selective group of nations who have successfully sent probes to Mars. India has succeeded in sending a Mars probe at a fraction of the cost of more developed nations in its first attempt – a rarity as almost half of all probes to the Red Planet fail – the result of its comprehensive attempts to lift its standard of education. Indeed it is fast becoming an economic superpower because it has made itself into an intellectual superpower before. They could do it because they have by their own efforts produced high quality engineers, technicians, the basic blocks of knowledge power.
We have a Minister for Education who himself has no idea about or control over the education system. He is not for raising standard of education or infusing honesty in the system of education. He is there to please the leader and protecting his job. We do not intend to blame him alone, the whole system of government is infested with lies.
What is most disappointing is that the teachers are also not trying to save the education. In the field of education, the consciousness to salvage education has to come from the teachers. It is a shame to find teachers as political activists of political parties. Our dreams for building a great nation cannot move forward with teachers happy to serve as political stooges.