RAB firm to eradicate drug traders: Benazir

Staff Reporter :
The drug traders will be eradicated even if it is necessary to bring them out from under the soil regardless of their strength, said RAB Director General Benazir Ahmed.
Rapid Action Battalion (RAB)-12 organized an anti-drug cycle rally in Bogura Government Azizul Haque College on the occasion of Mujib Borsho on Tuesday
morning. RAB is working to eradicate the drug traders, but this problem wasn’t created in a day. So it is impossible to eradicate it in a day. We need more time to do it, RAB DG said.
Our Prime Minister has declared zero tolerance against drug, militancy, terrorism and corruption. So, ongoing anti-narcotics drives will be continued until the elimination from the society, DG also added.
RAB, however, is working to eradicate the extremists from the society round the clock. Militants are taking advantages from the social media. So we are alert enough to crush their activities, DG further said.