Arju killing: RAB-2 CO Masud closed


Staff Reporter :SM Masud Rana, the Commanding Officer (CO) of Rapid Action Battalion-2, had been withdrawn on Monday after he was sued on charge of killing Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL), Hazaribagh unit president Arju Mia in ‘gunfight’, said RAB Legal and Media Wing Director Commander Mufti Mahmud Khan.”Colonel SM Masud Rana has been attached to the elite force Headquarters for proper investigation into the matter,” the RAB official said.Earlier, Arju’s brother Masud Rana filed a case against three RAB-2 officials, including the CO and an informer of the elite force, on charges of abducting and killing Arju Mia, with the Dhaka Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court on Sunday morning. The accused are RAB-2 CO Colonel Masud Rana, Deputy Assistant Director (DAD) Shahinur Rahman, inspector Wahid and informer Ratan.Magistrate Shahriar Mahmud Adnan recorded the complainant, said Advocate Azimuddin Shimul, lawyer of the plaintiff. The magistrate said that order would be given on Auust 25 whether the court would take into cognisance the charges brought the accused.Arju was also the prime accused in a case filed in this connection with the brutal beating of 17-year-old Raja on theft allegations in Hazaribagh on August 16. The boy succumbed to his injuries on August 17.Raja’s sister Reshma Begum filed a case against Arzu and he was picked up the same night by RAB-2.Few hours later of his arrest, the BCL leader was killed in a ‘shootout’ with a team of RAB-2 on August 18.
