Quader smells BNP’s plot over Rohingya issue

UNB, Noakhali :
Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader on Saturday urged BNP to stop hatching ‘conspiracies’ centering Rohingya issue.
“BNP has been engaged in a dirty game. They don’t criticise the repression of Rohingyas by the Myanmar authorities…they only criticise the government,” he said.
Quader, also the Road Transport and Bridges Minister, was inaugurating a health complex in Kabirhat upazila of the district.
“We’re passing through a tough time… just after huge losses caused by massive flood in haors and coastal areas, we’re struggling with over 300,000 Rohingya refugees who fled their country amid persecution. We’re worried how we will bear the burden of such huge refugees,” he said.
Quader further said, “We’re concerned for the fact that with the refugees, illegal arms, drugs and local and international conspiracies are also entering the country. We’ve given shelter to Rohingya Muslims, we’re with them but we’re also contacting the UN, the EU and global communities for their help in sending back Rohingyas to their country.”