Quader can speak: Doctors

Staff Reporter :
General Secretary of Awami League Obaidul Quader is now able to speak, as his condition has improved significantly, doctors said.
The doctors of Singapore’s Mount Elizabeth Hospital have removed his respiratory aid, said Professor Abu Naser Rizvi of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University. He has been with the ailing AL leader since admission to the Singapore Hospital.
All kinds of artificial supports were removed from his body on Saturday. Even an endotracheal tube which helped him breathe was removed. He is not using any devices, Rizvi said.
He spoke with his family members and doctors on Saturday morning, he said.
Obaidul Quader is not suffering from any neurological complications. His blood pressure is normal, and vital organs such as the heart and kidneys are functioning well.
Doctors have planned to shift Obaidul Quader from Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in a hospital cabin within the next couple of days, Rizvi said.
Dr Rizvi cited Dr Sivathasan Cumaraswamy, cardiothoracic surgeon and senior member of the five-member medical team treating Quader at Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore.
Earlier on Saturday, Dr Sivathasan held a press brief regarding the medical condition of Obaidul Quader on the hospital premises.
The brief was attended by Quader’s wife Begum Ishratunnessa, younger brother Abdul Quader Mirza, Bangladesh High Commissioner to Singapore Mostafizur Rahman, Road Division Additional Secretary Md Belayet Hossain and Medical Coordinator Professor Dr Abu Naser Rizvi.
Noakhali District Awami League General Secretary Ekramul Karim Chowdhury (MP), Gazipur City Corporation Mayor Jahangir Alam and Bangladeshi community living in Singapore were present there.
On March 3, Obaidul Quader was taken to the BSMMU in a critical condition by his wife Ishratunnesa Quader after he fell ill.
He was found to have three arterial blocks, one of which was removed by stenting, according to BSMMU Cardiology Department Prof Syed Ali Ahsan.
Quader was flown to the Mount Elizabeth Hospital in an air ambulance.
The hospital formed a five-member medical panel led by Cardiologist Dr Philip Koh to oversee the Minister’s treatment. His wife Ishratunnesa Quader is also in Singapore.