Quader blames BNP for attack on Zafar Iqbal


Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader on Sunday said the attack on Dr Zafar Iqbal was made by BNP-sponsored conspirators.
“It’s true the attack is part of a plot, and BNP is patronising the conspirators,” he said. Quader, also the Road Transport and Bridges Minister, came up with the comment while distributing leaflets in the city’s Gulistan area to make Awami League’s scheduled March 7 public rally at Suhrawardy Udyan a success.
“It has become clear who made the attack and why,” said the minister adding that the government will find out who acted as mastermind of the incident from behind the scene. “No one will be spared.”
He also alleged BNP is trying to create confusion among people by their misleading remarks.
“They (BNP) aren’t working to protect the country’s interest.” Quader said the attack on Zafar Iqbal who always upholds the Liberation War spirit is a bad sign of efforts by evil forces to create an unstable situation in the country. Through the attack on the renowned writer, he said, the communal force demonstrated that they are preparing for even more dangerous incidents.
“I’ve talked to the Home Minister over the issue. We believe there’s an evil force behind the incident. We’ll track them down and put on trial,” the minister added.
