Quader blames BNP afresh for Pilkhana carnage

Staff Reporter :
Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader on Saturday blamed BNP afresh for the massacre at the Pilkhana headquarters of Bangladesh Rifles (BDR), later named as Border Guard Bangladesh.
 “Like the August 21 grenade attack incident, a section of BNP men was involved in the Pilkhana carnage,” Quader, also Road Transport and Bridges Minister, told reporters in Narayanganj yesterday noon.
A total of 74 including 57 army officials were massacred during the mutiny that took place at Pilkhana headquarters on February 25-26, 2009.
“BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia remained traceless for 24 hours from 7:30 am on February 25. Where she was at that time?” Quader raised the question.
While inaugurating a link road on Chattogram-Sylhet highway in Sonargaon area, Quader said BNP has already been proved as an international terrorist political party through court verdicts at home and abroad.
Claiming that BNP does not belong to any political norms and ideology, Quader said the party has got desperate after the verdict of the August 21 grenade attack case and thus it is now smelling Awami League’s link with the BDR carnage.