Qayyum Chy laid to rest


UNB, Dhaka :Celebrated artist Qayyum Chowdhury was laid to rest at Azimpur Graveyard on Monday afternoon after his second namaz-e-janaza at Azimpur Chapra mosque.He was buried at the grave of his father-in-law Khan Saheb Badruddin Ahmed around 5 pm.Earlier, his first namaz-e-janaza was held on the compound of Dhaka University central mosque after Zohr prayers.His body was taken to Central Shaheed Minar around 11:45 am enabling people from all walks of life to pay their last respects to the veteran artist.Finance Minister AMA Muhith, Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid and Dhaka University Vice Chancellor ASM Arefin Siddique, among others, attended the janaza.Qayyum Chowdhury passed away at the age of 80 after he fell sick at a musical event in the city on Sunday night. The artist collapsed on the stage while addressing the Bengal Classical Music Festival at the Army Stadium around 8:40pm.He was rushed to the Combined Military Hospital where doctors declared him dead.
