Qatar Charity’s Qurbani Program benefits 20,000


Staff Reporter :
Upholding the theme ‘Spread joy with your Udhiya’, Qatar Charity, a reputed international charity organization, implemented ‘Qurbani Program’ in Bangladesh that benefitted around 20,000 needy people including orphans and widows.
It has distributed sacrificial meat from the 13 places of the country aiming to enhance the principle of solidarity and compassion.
Dr Mohammad Amin Hafiz Omar, Country Director of Bangladesh office, led the distribution program from the Bhairab Center in Kishoreganj. The preservatives of Qatar Charity were present at every place to deliver the sacrificial meat among the beneficiaries.
The representatives of the local government were also participated in many places to monitor and inaugurate the distribution program. They welcomed the initiative of Qatar Charity. Taking part in the distribution program, Md Ershad Uddin, a government official in Rangpur district, said it’s a great initiative for the poor and helpless people of Bangladesh. I want to thank the donors and benefactors who shared their joy with needy people. We hope, Qatar Charity will continue their kind work for the underprivileged communities who have actually been fighting to survive in many regions of the country. Fatema Begum, a widow, said, ‘we are so much contented to get sacrificial meat on Eid day from Qatar Charity as we have no ability to buy meat or to sacrifice cattle.’ Sabina Akhter, another widow from Rangpur District, said ‘Qatar Charity is by our side with various support in every seasonal program.’
