Commentary: Qatar cannot be blamed for rejecting impossible conditions

Editorial Desk :
The Gulf crisis involving Qatar is set to further widen to show that Arab countries are enough to destroy them while their enemies will look on. They know how best they can harm each other when they are enjoying peace and prosperity only at a small distance from a bunch of other countries in the region fighting long civil wars.
The chance for ending the crisis missed again on Wednesday when the Foreign Ministers of four Arab states –Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE and Egypt vowed in Cairo to continue the boycott blocking Qatar’s access to outside world by land, air and sea. Doha blamed the 13-point demands as an aggression and insult on its sovereignty. In fact no country can accept such demands and we believe all Muslim
countries together must take a move to end the crisis before it further escalates.
We believe demand like closure of Al-Jazeera TV network cannot be in the interest of Muslim countries. Qatar has set up an international broadcasting network that no other Muslim country was able to put into service to highlight Islamic world. We suggest that the quartet must agree to dialogue that Qatar offers to end the crisis.
Qatar is an independent country; which has every right to run its foreign policy and intuitions. So it should also have the right to maintain good relation with any other country including Iran. In fact Iranian businessmen had also used Dubai as their conduit to outside world when Iran was languishing under international sanctions. The fact is that as many believe the recent visit by US President Donald Trump to Saudi Arabia has encouraged the regional allies to open new front blaming Qatar for funding terrorism. Many fear that the regional countries have stepped into the trap that the US has created and it may bring them further disaster at the end.
What is true is that Qatar has been funding a rebel group in Syria but Saudi Arabia is also funding another group like Turkey and the USA lending material support to their own rebel groups fighting Assad regime. Meanwhile, disclosure of a British think tank on Wednesday that blamed Saudi Arabia for funding terrorism in the UK made the blame game within Arab camps more harmful to each other. Riyadh has immediately turned down the accusation as baseless but the fact is that their mutual fighting has opened door to others to bring further harm to them if the feud continues.
The presence of the leaders of some political outfit groups of the region in Qatar like Hamas, fighting Israel for independence is agitating the four on their internal security ground. But once they had also sheltered them and their ouster now will make Israel more happy.
CNN quoted a Professor of Georgetown University early this week as saying that there are ‘more reasons behind the reason’ that prompted Qatar’s neighbours to put the siege. The fact is that Qatar’s success in international forum is irritating them.
The Arab countries are fighting over Qatar which they should resolve among themselves by being reasonable. They have been instigated by Donald Trump who should not be taken seriously as well-wisher of Muslims.