Jumping off moving bus: Pvt varsity girl escapes rape bid

UNB, Chattogram :
A female student of a private university escaped rape attempt by jumping off a moving bus at Dampara Wasa More in the port city on Saturday. The bus driver and his two helpers attempted to sexually assault the girl, a first year student of the city’s Premier University, after all the passengers of the bus got down at the place around 1pm, witnesses said.
At one stage of their scuffle, the girl managed to jump off the bus pushing back one of the assaulters to escape the wicked bid and shouted seeking help.
Hearing the screams of the girl, locals rescued her and nabbed the driver and one of the helpers.
Later they were handed over to police after giving them a good beating, said Sub-inspector Abu Saleh of Chakbazar Police Station. The culprits were identified as bus driver Rasel, 34, and helper Hanif, 26. “We are looking into the matter,” said the police officer.