Pvt Hajj package to cost Tk 3.32 lakh


Kamruzzaman Bablu :
The Hajj Agencies Association of Bangladesh (HAAB), an apex body of the Hajj agencies, on Monday announced Tk 332, 868 as minimum Hajj package for the pilgrims intend to perform Hajj this year under private management.
According to HAAB, of the total fees, Tk 128,650 has been set as traveling cost, including plane fare, accommodation and other necessary costs. However, the HAAB has expressed its concern over hiking the cost of Hajj, including the airfare, for the pilgrims this year.
“The government should introduce a third carrier, along with Biman Bangladesh Airlines and Saudi Airlines, to carry Hajj pilgrims from Bangladesh to Saudi Arabia,” HAAB Secretary General M Sahadat Hossain Taslim said this at a press conference at a city hotel in Naya Paltan area.
Besides, he said each Hajj pilgrim will also need more Tk 11,175 (equivalent to SR 500) for sacrificial animal.
HAAB President Abdus Sobhan, Senior Vice President Yeakub Sharafati, Vice-President Abdus Salam Aref, Finance Seretary Mawlana Fazlur Rahman, Executive Member Tazul Islam and senior leaders were present at the press briefing.
The HAAB secretary general said the registration process under the private hajj management will begin from today (March 6) and the pilgrims to pay the entire Hajj package fees before March 15. If any pilgrim fails to pay the full cost, he or she will lose the chance of performing Hajj this year.
Earlier, the Cabinet has approved the draft Hajj Package-2018 by fixing the minimum cost for a pilgrim at Tk. 397,929, up by Tk. 16,421 from that of the previous year, under government management.
A total of 127,198 pilgrims from Bangladesh will be able to perform Hajj this year. Among them, 7,198 will perform Hajj under government management and 1,20,000 under private management.
According to HAAB, the air fare for each pilgrim from Bangladesh has been fixed at Tk. 128,650, which was Tk 124,723 last year. The minimum cost, excluding the house rent, for a pilgrim under private arrangement has been fixed at Tk. 168,277.
Shadat Hossain Taslim urged for allowing third carrier alongside Biman Bangladesh Airlines and Saudi Airlines to carry pilgrims to Saudi Arabia to prevent ticket syndication and open option for the pilgrims to choose other airlines to travel to Saudi Arabia for performing the Hajj.
“The pilgrims have to contact the Hajj agencies directly instead of agents or middlemen to avert fraudulence. The Hajj agencies will not be responsible of any harassment or incidents of fraudulences if they deal with middlemen or agents for performing Hajj,” the HAAB secretary general said.
He mentioned that police verification for the pilgrims would not be required as the process had been conducted during the issuance of passports.
