Pvt autos continue to run commercially

Shah Alam Nur :
Many privately-owned CNG-run auto-rickshaws are operating commercially in the Dhaka city without permission of the Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) but backed by the Dhaka Metropolitan Police.
A driver on condition of anonymity said, he pays Tk 800 to his owner as daily deposit.
Another driver, Abdur Rahman, said “My owner has two grey-coloured auto-rickshaws and his monthly income from these two vehicles is about Tk 48,000 and pays an amount as booty to the police.”
Another driver alleged that he painted his vehicle with green color few days ago and was running it commercially with the permission of police.
A driver from the Dhanmondi area alleged that from April this year he again started plying his grey-coloured auto commercially with the permission of the police.
Some leaders of the Dhaka Metropolitan Auto-Rickshaw and Mishuk Workers’ Association alleged that few auto owners were using their vehicles commercially again and collecting Tk 800 as daily deposit.
But the private CNG owners have to pay an amount to the police on a monthly basis for plying their vehicles commercially.
President of the Dhaka Metropolitan Private CNG Auto-Rickshaw Owners’ Welfare Association Mohammad Sarwar Hossian said on Sunday that he did not know anything about commercial plying of private CNGs.
He said the DMP did not give us any permission for plying our auto-rickshaws commercially. A director of BRTA said that there were about 13,000 green coloured CNG-run auto-rickshaws for commercial operation in Dhaka city.
He said “We have given registration to 223 grey-coloured privately-owned auto-rickshaws in the DMP area on the condition that these auto-rickshaws will not do business.”