President to Int'l community: Put pressure on Myanmar to take back Rohingyas

UNB, Dhaka :
President Abdul Hamid on Thursday urged the international community, global agencies and developed countries to continue their pressure on the Myanmar government so that it takes back Rohingyas from Bangladesh ensuring their dignity.
“Bangladesh is a very small country in terms of volume. But, it has given shelter to Rohingya people on humanitarian grounds,” he said when a nine-member delegation of Conservative Friends of Bangladesh (CFoB) met him at Bangabhaban in the afternoon.
President’s Press Secretary Joynal Abedin briefed reporters after the meeting.
Abdul Hamid expressed his gratitude to the British government for raising its voice against the persecution of the Muslim minority by Myanmar security forces in Rakhine State.
Recalling the support of the British government and their people to Bangladesh during its Liberation War in 1971 and subsequent cooperation in different development activities, he said the United Kingdom is an important development partner of Bangladesh.
The nine-member CFoB delegation, led by Anne Main, MP, lauded different pragmatic steps taken by the Bangladesh government on the Rohingya issue, saying they earlier visited Cox’s Bazar where displaced Rohingyas took shelter in camps.
They assured that CEoB, which is working as a bridge between Bangladesh and the UK government, will continue its support to different development activities of Bangladesh. Other members of the delegation included Paul Scully, MP, Will Quince, MP, former MP David Mackintosh and CFoB Chairman Mehfuz Ahmed.
Secretaries concerned to the President were present on the occasion.