Purnima to start again shooting of Gunchil after Eid

Entertainment Report :
Last year Noim Imtiaz Neyamul started shooting of movie Gunchil casting Purnima. Story of the movie is based on General Secretary of Awami League Obaidul Quader written novel Gunchil.
While taking part in shooting in Noakhali Purnima was seriously injured due to playing scooty in the spot. Later with her cooperation director Neyamul tried to continue shooting of the movie. Later, when Obaidul Quader became seriously ill shooting was suspended. Few days ago, Neyamul again planned to start shooting after returning of Obaidul Quader from Singapore to country.
Director Neyamul informed that after Eid-ul-Fitr he will again start shooting of the movie ‘Gunchil.’
Purnima told this correspondent, “To take part in shooting of this movie, I had learned how to play scooty. Later, while taking part in the shooting I was seriously injured to play scooty. But I tried my level best to finish the work. Due to illness of Quader Bhai its shooting stopped. He has returned among us. So, now we are expecting to start its shooting again after Eid.”
Purnima also informed that this Eid she will not be seen in any play. She said, “Now I am frustrated about ongoing scorching heat which is not possible for me to take part in any shooting under this condition. If I would take part in shooting in this weather I can become sick which will affect the unit. For this reason, I have decided not to work for this Eid.”