Purchase committee okays appointment of firm for Karnaphuli water supply

Economic Reporter :
Chittagong Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) is implementing Karnaphuli Water Supply Project (Phase-2) to ensure 24 hours uninterrupted water supply for the dwellers of Chittagong city.
The Cabinet Committee on Government Purchase (CCGP) today gave nod to the construction proposal of two packages under the project.
Finance Minister AMA Muhith chaired the meeting held at the cabinet division.
The two proposals are construction of “Primary or secondary or tertiary distribution network, service connection and water supply to low income communities: western part of Karnaphuli service areas” and Primary or secondary or tertiary distribution network, service connection and water supply to low income communities: western part of Karnaphuli service areas under JICA component.”
“As per approval, China Geo-Engineering Corporation will implement the two construction works under KWSP2/W3-1 and KWSP2/W3-2 at the cost of about Taka 672.61 crore and Taka 499 crore espectively,” additional secretary of Cabinet Division Mustafizur Rahman told newsmen after the meeting. CCGP also okayed the procurement proposal of one tug- boat, five crane boats, one cure houseboat andfive barges under a Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) project’s titled “Procurement of equipment including ten dredgers, crane boat, officer houseboat and cure house boat” at a cost of about Taka 75 crore.