Punishment of attackers on Christian priests demanded


UNB, Dhaka :Bangladesh Christian Association on Saturday demanded punishment of the perpetrators involved in the attacks on Christian priests in different parts of the country.The Association’s members came up with the demand from a human chain in front of Jaitya Press Club protesting the recent attacks on pastors.Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Oikya Parishad general secretary Advocate Rana Dasgupta, its presidium member Hubert Gomez, Bangladesh Christian Association secretary general Nirmal Rozario and its secretary Hemanta I Corraiya, among others, spoke on the occasion.Expressing deep concerns over repetitive attacks on foreigners, particularly on Christian community members and priests, Nirmal Rozario said if the government can not stop perpetrators and attacks on foreigners it would create questions about the country’s secular identity.Urging the government to provide security to the Christian community members living and working in the country, he said if foreigners do not feel safe to live in this country it would tarnish the image of the country in the outside world.On October 5, Father Luke Sarkar, 50, a priest at a Baptist Mission’s Faith Bible Church of God in Ishwardi, was attacked at his home inIshwardi in Pabna.On November 18, some assailants shot Italian priest, and also a doctor, Piero Parolari, 78 in Dinajpur.
