Commentary: Punishing rapists is for the court: Students must demand protection against rapists

Editorial Desk :
Maznu, the arrestee who raped the Dhaka University student on January 5, had lost two front teeth after he fell from a moving train around 12 years back. The missing teeth served as an important clue for RAB in arresting the rape accused. On the day of incident, the rapist had gone to Kurmitola General Hospital for treatment.
He later lay in wait for a victim and eventually grabbed the DU 2nd year student when she got down from the university bus. The rapist also admitted to have acted alone and said he threatened the girl with death several times while raping her. He had earlier raped beggars and physically challenged women. He is also a drug addict. After the rape, Maznu took the victim’s mobile phone, bag and power bank and went straight to Narsingdi that very night.
Teachers and students of Dhaka University demanded speedy trial and capital punishment for the rapist. While the entire nation stands behind them in asking for a speedy trial, the matter is in the hands of the judiciary. The government alone can’t guarantee either a speedy trial or capital punishment, as the punishment must befit the specific crime and that will be decided by the courts.
We find demand of death sentence to the rapist by university students not sensible enough. The government also must be held responsible for the rapist to feel safe for protecting criminal for the need of violent politics. Police have been politicised to protect political criminals.
Thugs and criminals are patronised by the government to create an atmosphere of fear and helplessness. We cannot be so sure, where police are used as political workers and judiciary is also not free from pressure, that the right person will be arrested and punished.
We want university students to go deep into the crisis. The whole nation is facing helplessness for the fact of not having a government elected by them.
There is no public accountability of police or other public servants who do not care who the people are. They think that they are the rulers de facto. The young ones are misguided and made criminals for political use.
Drugs have affected our younger generation and destroying their potentials to be useful to the nation building. It is a vicious cycle situation. The fight against drug is actually no fight, rather it is a good business.
 As students and as a force of enlightenment and vigour, you must hold government accountable where accountability should be. Only punishing the rapists officially has not stopped rapists to boldly raping young girls even not sparing university students.
It is misleading to demand punishment of rapists without blaming the government for not creating proper law and order situation necessary for the rapists to fear impartial application of law and justice. The courts can punish rightly if the right person is produced for trial. False cases have become so easy to lodge that there is more abuse of law than proper use of law.
We need knowledgeable political government to run the country according to the knowledge of the Constitution. The government is being run by bureaucrats ignoring the Constitution. That is in their nature. They understand only power not the restraint of the Constitution given by the people.
We have no political leaders to think politically and act politically for the people and to have a political government. It is unthinkable for real political leaders of the people to depend on police for their election victory.
There is no political party in the opposition also, all are in the business of politics for making money and holding powerful jobs. There is no need for qualification or competence and holding impartial election. Political positions have become lucrative jobs available on sale.