Public transport Fine, jail occupying women’s seat


The government will fine and jail passengers who wrongly occupy seats reserved for women, children, elderly and handicapped people on public transports.
The Cabinet approved a draft of the ‘Road Transport Act-2017’ prepared by the Road Transport and Highways Division on Monday. “No passenger can sit in these seats and they cannot be permitted to. Transgressors will be jailed for a month or fined Tk 5,000 or both,” said Cabinet Secretary Shafiul Alam. The draft has a new section with 25 instructions under ‘general instructions’, he said. “A man who sits in a seat reserved for women will be jailed for a month or fined Tk 5,000.” The 1983 Motor Vehicle Ordinance was being transformed into law following a High Court order, said the Cabinet secretary. Under the new law, motor license holders must at least pass eighth grade. It also proposes heavy penalties for those who use cell phones while driving.
