Public hearing of DPDC held in the city

Managing Director of Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC) Ltd Brig Gen (Retd) Nazrul Hasan, among others, at a ceremony on public hearing on new connection in NOCS at the office of chief engineer, NOCS of DPDC in the city's Motijheel on Tuesday.
Managing Director of Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC) Ltd Brig Gen (Retd) Nazrul Hasan, among others, at a ceremony on public hearing on new connection in NOCS at the office of chief engineer, NOCS of DPDC in the city's Motijheel on Tuesday.

Staff Reporter :
Public Hearing on New Connection in NOCS under Chief Engineer (Central) of Dhaka Power Distribution Company Ltd (DPDC) was held in the second consecutive day in the city on Tuesday, according to a press release.
In presence of the Managing Director (MD), Brig. Gen. (Rtd) Md Nazrul Hasan, Executive Engineer (Technical) Md Ramiz Uddin Sarker, Executive Engineer (Operation) ATM Harun-Ur-Rashid, Executive Engineer (Finance) Gulam Mustafa of DPDC, forty customers of DPDC under Basabo, Banosri, Bangla Bazar, Bongshal, Narinda and Swamibag took part in the hearing, the press release said.
Six Superintendent Engineers and Executive Engineers of NOCS divisions were also present during the hearing.
MD, DPDC and other high ups have listening well and woes of their customers and assured their highest support to provide an uninterrupted power supply in the years to come.
They also provided spot solution of some objections raised by the customers.
“Modern technology like mobile apse would be installed in all the NOCS to lessen customers sufferings,” Md Nazrul Hasan said.
At present, such technologies are in operation in 10 NOCS.
He also assured the audience that the power supply and other services would be developed like The USA and Europe in next five years,” he added.
However, the public hearing on the issue was started on Sunday (11 January) in the city where thirty-five customers of Motijheel, Mugdha, Lalbagh, Kamrangirchar, took part.
