Psychologists to deradicalise jailed extremists needs govt’s attention


When it comes deradicalisation of youth, psyco-social counseling is an effective method but the initiative to appoint psychologists remains stuck in a bureaucratic tangle. Despite repeated warnings, arrested militant suspects became more dangerous after being sent to jail and spending time with extremist groups’ top leadership there. A year back, the Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTTC) unit sent a proposal to temporarily appoint psychologists to provide counseling to arrested extremists in prisons. On January 17 last year, CTTC sent a proposal to the Directorate of Prisons to obtain permission to provide counseling to extremist prisoners. The Prison Directorate responded with a no-objection on February 15 of the year, and requested the government to approve appointment. However, on March 25, security service division (SSD) of the Home Ministry refused to allow such a step and suggested police to apply again by informing the public security division of the ministry.
For the rehab, psychologists are required as they can analyse the threat posed by the extremist individuals. We need softer approaches along with the hard approach to prevent extremism. For this, deradicalisation needs to start from jail, and this initiative needs to start immediately.
A number of militancy supporters who were jailed became more radicalised after they came out on bail. People arrested for their links to radical websites or for sharing radical thoughts on social media became full-fledged members of militant outfits staying in the prison.
To win the fight against extremism by policing alone is not possible. The psychology of the extremist must be understood and should be addressed accordingly. The bureaucratic red tapism should work promptly at least some cases, the appointment of psychologist is those type. We hope the government will take the issue in their consideration and gear up the process for overall image of the country, safety and security and lastly for stability.
