Question leakage: PSA to lay siege to Edn. Ministry on Feb 25

DU Correspondent :
Progressive Students Alliance (PSA), a platform of left student fronts announced to lay siege to Education Ministry on February 25 demanding resignation of the Minister for his to impede continued question paper leaks which flames widespread criticism across the country.
Golam Mostofa, Coordinator of Left Parties’ Student Wing and also President of Bangladesh
 Chhatra Federation made the announcement at a press briefing held at the Madhu’s canteen of the university on Sunday.
They also demanded punishment of the culpable persons, who involved with the crimes and those perpetrators who were taking bribes in education sector to destroy it.
They further said that question paper leak now become a phenomenon as almost all questions of public examinations were available in internet hour before the exams and none of the culprits were punished in the near past, so offenders feel that their wrong doing can go without punishment and they also feel a sort of encouragement.
They also alleged that a nexus between government employees, coaching centres, guidebook businesses, political activists and some teachers were masterminding the question paper leaks but the authorities have not appeared sincere or serious about breaking the nexus.
PSA will hold protest rally across the country on February 14 to press home their three point charter of demands.
President of Central Chhatra Union GM Zilani Shuvo, Chhatra Front (Marxists) President Naima Khaled Monika, Chhatra Front president Imran Habib Rummon, Biplobi Chhatra Moitri’s president Iqbal Kabir, joint-convener of Chhatra Oikya Forum Sarkar Al Imran, among others, attended the press conference.