Protests continue for schoolgirl’s death in Katiadi


Staff Reporter, Kishoreganj :
Protests, rallies and human chain were held in connection with the suicide of Shanta Akhter (15), a ninth grade student.
Locals demanded exemplary punishment for the oppressors.
Victim Shanta Akhter student in Ananda Kishore School and College at Banagram in Katiadi upazila .She was committed suicide on Sunday after being humiliated by a talented young man.
Shanta’s school student have been protesting for three days in a row demanding execution of the accused youths.
Later, the locals joined the human chain with the students and declared solidarity with their demands and demanded exemplary punishment of the responsible persons.
Victim’s mother Shahana Akhte has filed a case against three persons at Katiadi Model Police Station under the Women and Child Abuse Prevention Act.
The plaintiff in the case Shahana Akhter said, “Some local scoundrels molested my daughter in various ways. Because they are influential, local people are not afraid to speak out against them. My daughter committed suicide due to their torture. I demand their execution.
When contact to Additional SP (Crime) Noor-e-Alam told the New Nation that, Schoolgirl committed suicide due to harassment by the scoundrels. Police drives different places.
 The body was handed over to the family after autopsy, OC, Katiadi Shahadat Hossain added.
