Protesters demand release of tea stall owner

Our Correspondent, Ishurdi :
A protest meeting, human chain and demonstration were held demanding removal of OC Sheikh Nasir Uddin and SI Abdul Halim and unconditional release of tea stall Abdul Majed Kalia. The programs were held on Thursday afternoon at Sarutia Bazaar on the border of Ishwardi and Atgharia. These programs were organized by Saruritaya Bazar Samiti and locals of all walks of life in protest of various misdeeds of Ishwardi police including the arrest of tea stall keeper Abdul Majed Kalia as a yaba trader.
Idris Ali, President of Bazar Traders Association, Dulal Mia, village doctor, Rabiul Islam, trader Akbar Ali Biswas, local Awami League president, Mizanur Rahman Butia, human rights activist and Others including Kader alleged that on November 30, tea stall owner Abdul Majed Kalia, known as the best man in the area, was conspiratorially arrested and sent to jail with 53 pitch yaba tablets through their source Shariful and Shahidul. Earlier, another SI, including SI Abdul Halim, had conspired to nab Kalia with multiple cases through their specific sources.
Speakers complained that tea shop owner Abdul Majed Kalia himself does not smoke. There are very few good people in the area. However, through police sources Shariful and Shahidul, the police officers took yaba from his shop and arrested him, sent him to jail and damaged his family. The speakers sought the intervention of the Home Minister and said that after the arrest of Abdul Majed Kalia, Ishwardi Police Station OC Sheikh Nasir Uddin was informed about the matter but he did not take any action. The speakers further complained that not only Kalia, a tea shopkeeper, but also a fair and impartial investigation of the drug related cases of Ishwardi police station would reveal the real secret of at least 80% of the cases.