Protest against Tonu killing continues


UNB, Laxmipur :
As protests against the killing of Comilla Victoria College student Sohagi Jahan Tonu continued, different volunteer organisations here on Tuesday formed separate human chains demanding immediate arrest and exemplary punishment of the killers.
The organisations arranged the human chains in different areas of the district town, including before Laxmipur Press Club and at Mandari Bazar, around 11:00am. They demanded exemplary punishment of the killers.
Sohagi Jahan Tonu, 19, a second year history student of Victoria College and a member of Victoria College Theatre, went missing on March 20, hours after she had gone out of her house at Comilla Mynamati Cantonment for private tuition.
Later, Tonu’s father Yar Hossain found his daughter lying senseless with severe injuries in her body in a bush adjacent to their house.
She was then whisked off to Combined Military Hospital where doctors declared her dead.
