Protectors of casino owners can’t go unchallenged

Beginning with Greek philosopher Aristotle all others agreed that the rule of law, not of person, is the foundation of civilised living. We need impartial law enforcers to be judged by impartial judicial system to feel secure and safe. The government has discarded the rule of law, to replace it by the rule of corruption.
In our situation most difficult thing is to be sure that the right law is enforced rightly and against the right person. Where law is flouted, the midnight knock on the door, sudden disappearances, confession exacted by torture etc. are to be expected as acts of terrorism. We have the experience of systemic violence as a way of politics and governance. The reason being the system had to be cruel and fearful as the government is not the government of law, elected under law.
The recent exposure of the extent of corruption business in politically protected illegal casinos is the direct result of the politics of corruption and abuse of law.
But the big corruptions of those involving thousands of crores obtained by direct plundering of public money from banks etc are yet to come under this operation. Casino corruption is more closely related to tender business of big construction projects.
More than owners of the casinos, the main investigation should be against their political protectors and patrons. They used crime and corruption as a political power of intimidation against the political opponents. Our young men are victims also of easy money.
Corruption is politics in our present system. The cancer of corruption lies deep within the political system. Corruption will not end unless we can end the corrupt criminalisation system of politics.
 Unfortunately, temptation for submitting to corruption is so strong among so many of us that as a nation we should be ashamed. Patriotism or love for the country is no consideration. No sense of personal honour or dignity stands in the way of bartering away the country’s interest.
There is no denying that these casinos were owned by the government party’s young activists. One can also say this young violent section is used for politics of terror against the political opponents. Let not pretend us as dumb when the question of using our young men as criminals comes for consideration.
Most of the big projects for ‘development politics’ were given to the favourites of the government with a view to using corruption for securing political loyalty in different sections of the government. One Shamim was given 17 contracts worth three thousand crore takas. Public money was so easily available for looting and lying.
Strangely enough, no section of the state apparatus has remained outside the greedy corruption politics. These casinos were not run solely as gambling business. Casino owners were involved in crimes like extortion of money, disappearances, rape, even killing. Weapons and torture equipment were also located in some of these casino clubs. Casino corruption used to be shared with others in high positions.
With greed mixed with incompetence of the government, the situation is fraught with dangerous consequences, yet I must urge the lawyers, as a last hope, to think of their obligation to the rule of law for the good and safety of the people. The opposition political parties exposed their weakness for compromise in the last election, will not be able to form any worthwhile unity. The lawyers have their own identity outside party politics. They must come forward.
But the authoritarian politics combined with the unfettered corruption has led us to lawless vandalism all over but no assurance of good governance.
If the fight against corruption is taken to its honest conclusion, which I strongly believe it will be, we shall see how the system of corruption has paralysed every part of the government machinery. Such a government cannot sustain itself and may collapse in anarchy. This must worry everybody who has loves for the country.
The main challenge for us is to overcome our weak sense of patriotism and go for collective efforts for saving the nation for a civilised and safe life.