‘Protection of customers’ interest is BHBFC’s top priority’


Al Amin :
Protection of customers’ interest, stopping harassment or settlement complaints, improvement relations with customer and increase in quality of service were the top priority of the Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation (BHBFC).
The state-owned financial institution is also working for ensuring environment-housing for all, said Md Afzal Karim, Managing Director of the BHBFC, while talking to The New Nation recently.
He said success of the financial institution was in almost every sector like reducing classified loans at a minimum level, loan sanctioning and disbursement, loan recovery, resolving court cases and overall audit objections in last fiscal year.
The BHBFC reduced its classified loans to 4.57 per cent, which is lowest among state-owned banks financial institutions, said Afzal.
He said it has become possible for proper leadership, effective monitoring and supervision at all levels and also for engaging all employees to achieve this success.
The BHBFC set targets of sanctioning and disbursing an amount of Tk 700 crore and Tk 600 crore respectively for the last fiscal year. Against the targets, it sanctioned Tk 715 crore to 1927 new borrowers and disbursed Tk 589 crore respectively, according to an official data.
The percentage of loan recovery was 96.56 per cent against the total recoverable loans. Resolving court cases and overall audit objections was 179 and 113 respectively, the data said.
It also achieved a tremendous success in gaining net profit that may Tk 230 crore, Afzal said.
“We have already been able to ensure transparency and accountability in providing our services as we want to see the BHBFC a dignified institution,” he said.
“We are giving priority on digitalization to ensure hassle-free services to the clients. Through the digital initiatives, anyone can submit complains easily,” he added.
He further said, “Despite having capacity shortage, we are gradually expanding our service across the country. As a result, loan disbursement and repayment have been increased significantly.”
In the last one year, loan disbursement has increased by 50 per cent as well as around 1927 new clients have included in our services.
“At least 1200 new people will be included, If the organogram is approved by the Finance Ministry,” Afzal said.
The government is going to inject more funds into BHBFC to enable an increased number of people to have homes of their own.
As per the plan, paid up and authorised capital of the state corporation have already been increased to Tk 500 crore and Tk 1,000 crore respectively from the existing Tk 110 crore by amending law.
The House Building Finance Corporation Bill (Amendment) 2021″ was passed in parliament in last year to increase the corporation’s funds and expand its service coverage.
The financial institution is providing loan facilities with easy terms and conditions and low interest rate to build a house. Keeping the customers in mind, the BHBFC currently offers 11 types of home construction and related loans with no hidden charges.
Zero Equity Housing Loans, Nagar Bandhu, Pravas Bandhu, Pallima, Farmer Housing Loans, Housing Repair, Housing Development, Flat Loans, Flat Registration Loans, Housing Equipment Purchase Loans and Home Construction and Flat Loans for Government Employees are currently given by the institution. Besides, one stop service facility is among the loan features of the BHBFC and help desk is providing services to in prepare documents. Also, there are no hidden charges.
