Protecting child rights should be our top priority


BANGLADESH Shishu Adhikar Forum estimated that at least 418 children were murdered in the country last year, up by 23.30 percent from the previous year due to social brutality, family uncertainty, moral degradation, political chaos, among others. It was so horrible that children were beaten to death, even in some cases over trivial issues or on false allegations of theft. There were incidents in which parent killed his or her child and then committed suicide. We think, the horrendous situation is not an isolated matter. Rather the social and family problems, high unemployment along with income gap and many uncovered issues resulted in the situation.
The findings are based on media reports published in 15 national dailies; perhaps the real situation is worse than that came out in the media. The report said 4,566 children were victims of different types of incidents last year, up by 18.75 percent from the previous year. Incidents of child rape fell by 3.71 percent last year though 571 children were raped. The country saw verdicts in 31 child murder cases and 50 cases over child rape last year, which emits the sign of impunity and lengthy trial process in violence against children. Besides, forty-six children died due to wrong treatment by doctors. Last year, 812 children were victims of sexual violence, including rapes while 262 children suffered violence and torture, including corporal punishment. The missing and abduction numbers are not less than the national average —- 233 children went missing and 150 others were abducted last year.
The child rights body asked the authorities to take effective measures to ensure speedy trial of violent incidents against children, exemplary punishment of the culprits and quick implementation of the verdicts. In this backdrop, HR campaigners also stressed the need for setting up a Directorate and a National Commission to deal with issues of child rights.
Though our children are our future, their well-being remains neglected or uncared. We do urge the authorities concern to put the child security issue as number one priority in every national policy and development programme.
