Protect migrant workers` rights

The annual labour attachés conference began in the city yesterday .The problems of Bangladeshi expatriate workers in different foreign countries across the globe will be discussed here. In the conference, 44 labour attachés posted at Bangladesh missions in 28 countries would get fresh reorientation about the workers’ migration and their welfare issues. The move is an exceptional step of the government amidst the crisis of the narrowing remittance inflows, the loss of the foreign labour markets and the deterioration of the migrants’ welfare abroad. It is anticipated that the labour attachés would get government directives for providing all out support to the hapless workers whose toil is pushing the country towards development.
News media reported that the conference would pay attention towards the exploration of new job markets for our workers abroad and be sensitive about the responsibility of the labour attaches to ensure safe migration and welfare of workers. The attachés would also be asked to take greater interest in registering the migrant workers with the Wage Earners’ Welfare Board. But the campaigners for the rights of the migrants urged the authorities to motivate the labour attachés to be friendly with the country’s workers abroad. Here, the labour attachés should thoroughly check the factories or other workplaces and their capacity to pay the wages and provide accommodations before certifying them as sound employers.
No government has made any investment on migration; but the untrained workers take all the responsibilities on their own shoulders to purchase a future for their family and the country in exchange of hard labour. The government must take proper moves to ensure the remitters health and safety in the workplace. As the migrant’s health issues and workplace safety are being neglected by the host countries, many workers return home with chronic and communicable diseases. The migrants get no one in the missions to hear their pain and agony though the missions and the staffs are appointed to support the migrants and in fact run with their money.
It is clear that the government is only interested in their hard earned foreign exchange, whereas the migrant workers’ rights violations and health danger are not tolerable. Despite this, labour attachés along with the diplomatic officials do not pay attention to the migrants’ sufferings. The labour attachés must be sincere in realizing compensations for the migrant workers following their deaths and accidents. Greater attention is needed in protecting migrant workers’ rights.