Proposed Broadcast Act to protect jobs of journalists

BSS, Dhaka :
Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud said the proposed ‘Broadcast Act’ will give legal protection to broadcast journalists and workers.
“Let’s work together to save the TV industry. The legal protection will be ensured if the Broadcast Act is passed,” he said this on Thursday while addressing a seminar at Bengal Multimedia Studio in city’s Tejgaon.
Broadcast Media Center (BJC) and RTV, a private channel of the country, jointly organized the seminar marking the World Television Day.
The minister said the government is working to ensure job security of broadcast journalists and their other facilities.
A big revolution has taken place in Bangladesh’s media sector during the Awami League regime under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheik Hasina, he added.
Hasan said along with the flourishing of the industry, some problems have been created, including the fall in the advertisement and its rate in electronic media. Now the industry needs combined efforts to sustain, he added.
The minister said, “I’m working relentlessly for the betterment of the journalists after taking charge of the ministry. But I need all-out supports from all stakeholders. It’s our responsibility to give protection to the journalists as they are the mirror of society.”
About the digitalization of the broadcast media, Hasan said, “After the digitalization of this sector, the interest of the country’s media and its employees will be guaranteed.”
He said discipline has been established in the electronic media sector following different steps taken by the government. The government will take actions if there is any irregularity in the sector, the minister added.
Hasan said airing Bangladeshi advertisements in foreign channels has been stopped. “Besides, the cable operators are maintaining the serial of the Bangladeshi TV channels as per their on air date. After keeping Bangladeshi channels, the cable operators are keeping the foreign channels on the list,” he added.
The minister said some television channels are airing foreign TV serials dubbed in Bangla which is not acceptable. “So, the ministry has issued an order for TV channels to take the government’s approval to broadcast the dubbed serials. A preview committee will also be formed soon to oversee the matter,” he added.
“We have already taken initiatives for the betterment of mass media . . . these initiatives put media in order mostly,” Hasan said.
The government has already taken many steps to bring discipline in the broadcast media, said Hasan, also the publicity and publication secretary of the AL.