Move to re-fix domestic fuel prices: Proposal sent to MoF

Staff Reporter :
The Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources (MPEMR) on Thursday sent a proposal to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) suggesting to re-fix domestic petroleum prices in the backdrop of drastic fall in fuel oil prices in the international market, sources said.
The proposal also contained the details of the present financial condition of the Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC), its profit and the extent of price cut that it may afford amid unrelenting global oil slump.
Admitting the matter, a Senior Finance Ministry official told The New Nation on Friday that BPC Chairman AM Badruddoza submitted the proposal to Senior Finance Secretary Mahbub Ahmed on Thursday morning.
He said, the BPC chairman also submitted the relevant documents relating to BPC’s fiscal condition and impact on its business resulting from a price cut.
“Their proposal will be sent to the Finance Minister for his appraisal. He will talk to the government high-ups for review,” he added.
The Finance Ministry official further said, the decision to adjustment of the domestic oil prices would come from the government policy-makers. If they give green signal in this regard, the MoF would cut domestic fuel prices rationally.
Earlier, the MoF sought relevant documents from the MPEMR to help the government to decide the extent of price cut of fuel oils.