Proper Functioning of Human Brain

It Should Remain Near to Normalcy

Sujayendra Das :
Human brain is one of the most vital organs of human bodies. Through human brain we are able to full control of human nervous system. Human brains receives signals from different organs of our bodies which is instrumental in proper functioning of our muscles. Right from the kid stage of us our parents try their level best to upgrade the development of human bran through diverse ways and means. In this regard parents, grand parents and other revered members of the families along with close family members along with counseling psychologists play pivotal roles in proper functioning of human brains. Apart from the above features we feel reading books of different subjects in both English and different mother languages play vital roles in proper functioning and nurturing of human beings. As modern age is the age of innovation and development it is high time for all of us to accelerate the pace of our mind and human brains to skyrocketing heights. We have the relevant avenues to gather our knowledge but how to do so? In order to achieve the pace of development of our brains first and foremost qualities required among us is that we must think positives among all our brothers and sisters along with it all our friends and close relatives. Apart from the above stated phenomenon we should focus our mind on any given subject then only hope to a greater extent about how to expand proper functioning of our brain. Thus in the subsequent paragraphs it is my humble tasks to elaborate deeply about how to develop proper functioning of human brain.
Development of proper functioning of human brain:
Human brain is an amazing repository of its own. Brain has the common sense to inherit some of the major senses of human bodies, such as sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing or audibility of human beings. In this regard the moot point lying before us is that how to develop our human brain. There might be various ways and means by which we can develop proper functioning of human brain. But for males and females there might be diverse ways in its proper functioning but overall among both sexes it remains identical. Now the world is taking pejorative which all of us should take proper precaution so that our brain functions normally and also as per the advise of our respected elders we must think positives of each and ever human beings. This clearly indicates that our mind should always be of transparent and amiable disposition then only we will be able to nurture our brain in its proper perspectives. However there are some common was and means available on account of which our brain can function properly. These are stated as follow:
Brain parts and their functions:
Cerebrum and mid brain; This organ of human body is responsible for processing and coordination of sensory messages.
Midbrain- This organ of human body is responsible for regulating vital functions of human body such as heartbeat and breathing.
Human nervous system: Human nervous system is that which conducts stimuli from sensory receptors to the brain and spinal cord and conducts impulses to other parts of the body.
Controlling of human brain from common man’s parlance:
Technically there are lots of ways and means on account of which we are able to manage our brain or management of human brain. It is a common notion in the life of human beings when we pass different situations in different phases of our lives. As the social and familial setup in today’s world has drastically changed hence neurophysician as well as that of clinical cum counseling psychologists always advise the common citizens to lead less strained and transparent life then our brain remain in a standstill position. Contrarily the neurophysician as well specialists in alternative cum international medicine always advises the citizens to remain always calm and cool till our last breath in this eternity. In the subsequent paragarph it is my humble task on how to control our brain function to matured stage till last breath in our last phases of life in this eternity.
How to control human brain to matured stage till last breath in life?
Modern age is getting complex with the passing away of each and every day of our lives. Same scenarios are also ascertainable in South Asian continent. Medication and counseling of mind play an important part in controlling human brain to matured stage but apart from it we must aim to maintain sound health and mind then only we will be able to control our brain to matured stage till last breath in life. Medical professionals as well as practicing counseling psychologists always advise the citizens of both India and Bangladesh that as we grow up in age we must aim for sedate health and disciplined life styles. That is why it is always advisable when human being grows up in age we must focus on the following aspects like analyze any new given situations, easing of multitasking facilities meaning doing multiple jobs at a time and finally reminiscing of names and numbers along with any given vital appointments.
Summing up the above inference one point will surmise in our mind that we must develop our brain in such a manner that it should remain near to normalcy. Our ardent pray at The Altar of Superpower that fate of Dr R.C. Majumdar( physics at JNU, New Delhi), Kazi Nazrul Islam( both India and Bangladesh), Late S.Radhakrishnan etc about other reputed personalities of both nations should not occur in the life of citizens. Rather the brains of Dr Sukumar Sen, Dr Suniti Kumar Chatterjee, Dr Rafiqul Islam, Dr Anisuzzaman, Late N.Viswanathan, Professor Hasan Azizul Haq, Dr Syed Anwar Hossaain, Dr Syed Manzurul Islam, Professor Pabitra Sarkar etc shall always be treated as source of motivation to the creative generations of both India and Bangladesh. Though blessings of The Super Power are relevant but still we must aim to remain sturdy and vibrant till our last breath in order to control our brain perfectly.

(Sujayendra Das writes from Kolkata)
