Proper disposal of medical waste to prevent diseases underscored


Health experts at a seminar have urged the healthcare givers and institutions concerned to engage in proper management and disposal of medical waste to prevent the spread of communicable diseases.
They came up with the call at the seminar on ‘Medical Waste Management’ jointly organised by Rangpur City Corporation (RpCC) and PRISM Bangladesh Foundation on Sunday at Begum Rokeya auditorium in Rangpur. Mayor of Rangpur Mostafizar Rahman Mostafa attended the seminar as the chief guest with Chief Executive Officer of RpCC Abu Saleh Md Musa Jongi in the chair.
Divisional Director (Health) Dr Md Mostafizur Rahman, Civil Surgeon Dr Abu Md Zakirul Islam, President of Rangpur unit of Bangladesh Medical Association Dr Delwar Hossain, Deputy Director of the Department of Environment Mesbabul Alam and Superintending Engineer of RpCC Amdad Hossain addressed as special guests.
Executive Director of PRISM Bangladesh Foundation Khondker Anisur Rahman delivered welcome speech in the seminar.
Adviser of PRISM Bangladesh Foundation Dr Masum A Patwary delivered presentation on ‘Collection and final management of harmful medical waste of healthcare organisations situated in RpCC area’ as the main resource person. The experts said about 20 percent of healthcare waste could be dangerous to cause infection and parasitic diseases which are preventable and treatable and remaining as the primary causes of death worldwide. Dr Zakirul said improper disposal of healthcare waste could lead to public nuisance such as offensive odour and unsightliness ultimately leading to spread of communicable diseases like cholera, hepatitis A, B, C, dysentery and other diseases.”
Dr Mostafizur stressed on ensuring proper disposal methods such as waste minimisation, segregation, handling and storage, transportation, treatment and destruction and final disposal to avoid environmental pollution and health hazards.
“Segregation is the first and best way to reduce healthcare waste quantity, cost and environmental impact on air pollution and landfill capacity,” he said.
