Propaganda on to confuse nationalist forces: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP senior leaders on Monday alleged that various efforts, including ‘false propaganda’, are now on to confuse their party men and weaken and annihilate nationalist forces.
They, however, at a discussion vowed to remain united and move forward uniting people and all democratic parties to ‘restore’ democracy and people’s rights in the country foiling all plots.
BNP arranged the discussion at the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh marking the 80th birth anniversary of party founder Ziaur Rahman.
“The 1/11 administration had tried to split and eliminate BNP in many ways, but couldn’t. That plots are still on through carrying out propaganda and resorting to repressive acts,” said BNP standing committee member Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain.
He further said, “As part of this plot, a national daily of Bangladesh reported yesterday (Sunday) that I’m coordinating a task of breaking BNP by organising all from party’s standing committee to district unit leaders across the country.”
Terming the report imaginary, false, fabricated and motivated one, he questioned how he could organise the party men as he was released from jail on Wednesday after 22 months.
“The report mentioned whether I was released following an understating with the government…will the journalists answer why I didn’t reach this understating 22 months back to avert detention?… the main aim of such false propaganda is to mislead our party men,” he added.
He alleged that such propaganda had also been carried out before the January-5 national election that senior BNP leaders got united to join polls under Sheikh Hasina abandoning Khaleda. “The fact is that even a grassroots level leader didn’t participate in the polls.”
He asked his party men not to get confused by propaganda, saying no one will be able to eliminate BNP and split it. “I urge all the leaders and activists to take a vow on this day to get united to restore democracy and people’s rights.”
Speaking at the programme, party another standing committee member Barrister Moudud Ahmed also alleged that various efforts are on to confuse people about BNP and its politics.
“We want to say it clearly that BNP is a liberal democratic party that does politics imbued with the ideals of its founder Ziaur Rahman and the spirit of the Liberation War,” he said.
He asked the party men to clearly project the party’s identity, politics and work plans before people, no matter whether the party will return to power or not. “We have to reorganise our party following the ideals and directions of Ziaur Rahman.”
Mentioning that resorting democracy is the main challenge for BNP now, he said, “We must unite all parties and democratic forces to restore democracy as people of this country love it.”
BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said a quarter always tries to defame and belittle Ziaur Rahman by carrying out false propaganda. “But, no one will be able to erase his name from the hearts of the country’s 16 crore people.”
He accused the government of turning the country into a jail by resorting to repressive acts and implicating opposition men in ‘false’ cases. “We have to remove this jail. People had not sacrificed their lives and shed blood during the Liberation War to make the country a jail.”
He urged his party men to get ready upholding the ideals of the party founder to ‘restore’ democracy and people’s all ‘snatched’ rights. “We’ve no option to back off as we’ve to move forward for the welfare of people. Today, we take a vow that we’ll remain united and move forward foiling all conspiracies.”