Project for improving conditions of female garment workers

Economic Reporter :
Benetton, an Italian fashion retailer, has launched a project under Women Empowerment Program (WEP) aimed at granting sustainable livelihood and at empowering home-based female workers working in the readymade garments sector in Bangladesh.
Funding of the project is also aimed at improving the conditions of female garment workers and reducing their vulnerability both at home and in the workplace. The project will start in Bangladesh in the next two years.
“In Bangladesh, we will support some 5,000-6,000 women currently employed in the RMG sector. We will organise training courses that will help them strengthen their professional skills,” said Benetton in a statement posted on its website on Wednesday last.
In Pakistan, Benetton will also support around 1,500 women living in the manufacturing district of Sialkot. Benetton in its web post said: “We will help them sign up for basic financial products at local banks, such as loans, insurances and savings accounts. We will start a dialogue with their employers aimed at increasing their safety at the workplace and in its surroundings.”
Based on the Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN for 2020, its objectives – attaining gender equality and women empowerment – will be achieved through five key efforts: sustainable livelihood, non-discrimination and equal opportunities, access to health, quality education and the end of every form of violence against women around the world, said the retailer organisation.
A fundamental step to empowering women worldwide is giving them the possibility to enjoy decent, fairly paid jobs in adequate workplaces, with additional measures to support them so that they can attain social and economic sustainability for themselves and their families, it added.
The BWEP is rooted in the Italian fashion brand’s long history of social commitment and moves on to recognise that gender equality and the empowerment of women are not only human rights, but necessary steps toward building a peaceful, prosperous and more sustainable world for all.