Project delayed, project denied


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
The title name of the topic resembles the saying – justice delayed justice denied. We all know the very meaning of it. But we ignore it. Delay is a disease. It is just a strategy of corrupting, cheating and polluting the normalcy of life. Situation is made abnormal by delay business. Now – a – days it has become a business. One we start business, we take much more time for management crisis, lack of knowledge and intentional ground. Grounds are created one after another to a journey of any business or project.
No projects experience happy and compatible. They experience suffering, hazard, misunderstanding enmity and losses. No projects are completed in its scheduled time and within the time frame and within its estimated money. In many cases cost are increased.
Commodity rates become rare and high, experts leave the project place to see mismanagement. In every projects, there are some principles, which are very essential to follow seriously. There are phase of project. Primary phase, secondary phase and final phase. In every phase there are also categories of work which need to be finished within it’s time span. But it is delay and casualty which spoils everything.
In our country many projects are taken for the well-being of mass people. The projects aim are undoubtedly noble oriented.
 But for many reasons the projects hang in the middle and come to a halt. At times, projects cause sufferings to mass people which is beyond description.
The four lane high way project in Dhaka-Comilla high way has been completed. But its hazardous and painful picture from its management side is recently published in a Daily Bangali newspaper. Indeed this publication bears the significance and importance. The project as stated suffered a painful situation of frequent changes to amendment. At last its inaugural came to light. People had a hope that they will not suffer any more. The passengers on board by buses, cars, taxis and reach their destination in the districts like Comilla, Chittagong and Feni within a very short time. Before it was introduced, unless a disturb transport is removed transportation remained off. As a result long traffic jam is created. With the four lane system, there may not be the chances of jam, transportation will be smooth. But the fact is that there is a reverse picture of previous time. Now there are jams miles after miles.
It takes now two and three times more than it took before. As studied by the writer and editor of the daily “There will be now more crisis problem lies with system general people are suffering. It is time to think over Dhaka-Chittagong high way road.” (25th March 2017, Bangladesh Protidin.)
They project must be for peoples’ sake and user friendly. To take the advantage from a project this, should be considered as package. Different components of a package are inter-dependant. One cannot function without other. If they are not simultaneous, projects may not be sustainable.
We can say if bridge is planned to construct, it’s approach road is a must. Again if one hospital is planned to build it must be equipped with man and material. Quality service must be ensured. So a comprehensive and integrated program is the vital thing for any project. In our country, there is no planning of market where hawkers to sit, where schools building will be built and what equipment will be procured?
As a result, many building remain unused and in some cases if it is used it utilizatio may not appear proper. Equipments remained unused and become wastes in course of time. Again there is a problem of maintenance.
In this regard, before we go for a project we must assess the need first, whether it will be feasible or not. Loss and profit to be analyzed and finally mass peoples interest to be looked into.
 In most cases, for a road project people become more agitated and pass times in tension with fear of losing their lands. More over there are harassments from the party like broker, contractors. The hazards created by contractors in the name of construction they demolish existing road suddenly. The electric pillars are uprooted and telephone wires are torn. If a project is not completed within its time, then peoples suffering continue for a long time.
 The very saying, ‘look before you leap’ must be repeatedtedly followed. With this principle, we must be careful about any project. Before it is taken it should be well examined. The pros and cons of the project must be well studied, scrutinized. And in every phase of the project it should be well monitored and evaluated.
For implementation of any scheme or project high ethics need to be maintained. By law, punitive action must be taken.
No body should be spared for violation of rules. It need be law/rules to be incorporated for easy running of the project. Procrastination is a thief. But in some cases, there are may time tolerance, that is in case to case basis delay may be compromised for betterment. Otherwise a faulty project will be a liable to the nation.
